My Little Pony: A New Generation trailer

Holy shit, I’m actually going to talk about something currently relevant for once.

After months of seeing update after update on ridiculous toys and merchandise that is honestly not worth paying attention to, we finally get something worthwhile to talk about.

And holy shit, I am into this!

Like, it’s gonna be a family-friendly summer movie, no two ways about that, so you can surely expect a lot of “they tried” outdated pop culture jokes that don’t hit home. (Like, playing DDR for some kind of challenge? Hits weird, but would be weirder if it hadn’t shown up in G4!) And there’s definitely going to be a lot of the standard Hollywood sass and smarm in place of character traits that seems to also happen a lot in these movies.

But I also think it’ll be tons of fun? The trailer made me laugh a number of times, and, well, mostly it just comes down to Izzy. She’s clearly best pony. She’s adorable and irrepressible and I just love her to pieces. Used well, she will make this movie.

And I’m not even thinking about the potential series at this point. That still seems like a pipe dream from where I sit. But for all that I’ve been rolling my eyes at ponies using cell phones, I really like this return to about a My Little Pony Tales level of technology, the kind of pre-modern setting should fit a story about a world bereft of magic.

I wonder if they’re going to just have to find Twilight and wake her up.

And yes, I’m still a little bit put off by the Filly Funtasia character designs, but after those aforementioned months of seeing them plastered all over literally everything on EQD, I’m used to them. I think once the movie starts, I won’t even be noticing that.

So yeah. Here’s to G5. 🙂 I hope it’s as much fun as it looks like it’ll be.

About Present Perfect

I'm a goddamn *girl* pony.
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